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Not really a press release, just a copy of an upcoming service upgrade email

Newshosting Announces Brand New Usenet Newsreader


We are excited to announce that Newshosting just announced the beta pre-release of its very own Newshosting Usenet client. It is available to all new customers for free and will later be released to all subscribers following the beta pre-release.

The new Newshosting client allows users to search, preview and download Usenet content with unprecedented ease. Many Usenet clients require a complicated configuration process. With the Newshosting Usenet client, there´s nothing to configure, just a simple login.

The client includes several features such as: Auto-Repair, Auto-Unpack, Video Previews and Automatic Updates. Auto-Repair checks and repairs all downloads before they're completed. This means no more broken downloads. Auto-Unpack will unpack, or unzip, files to your downloads folder automatically. New video previews allow users to view a segment of a video file before downloading the full file.

In just two years, Newshosting has dramatically increased its retention rates from 250 to 1,089 days. Technical and infrastructural enhancements, including massive storage and network upgrades to its N. American and European Usenet server farms, have allowed Newshosting to support and spool up to a full 1,089 days of retention with 99%+ article completion and lightning-fast, secure Tier-1 Usenet access.

Banners are now being updated. Please note that color schemes and layout have changed with the new banners. We recommend logging into your affiliate account to review the Newshosting banners and find which fit best for you.

Please contact or your Affiliate Manager directly with any questions.

Good luck promoting the Newshosting newsreader! This added feature (also available with the partners discounts), makes Newshosting the absolute best package on all-in-one unlimited Usenet access anywhere!

The Usenet Junction Team

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