There are dozens of Usenet providers that currently advertise their services on the internet. Companies with names like Giganews Usenet, SuperNews Newshosting, UsenetServer, TheNewsgroups and ThunderNews. However, in the previous list, there are only a couple that actually provide access to their own servers (Tier-1 providers), the others resell access to the Tier-1 providers.
The list of Tier-1 providers is fairly short, and due to purchases and bankruptcies, etc, it gets a little shorter every year. At the time that I wrote this article, I only knew of the following Tier-1 providers.
For experienced users there can be advantages and disadvantages to choosing a reseller over a Tier-1 provider. Normally, if you want to use their services you will need to provide your own news reader application. In addition depending on the news reader software you choose you may have to setup additional applications for working with binaries.