Usenet Search Utilities & Newsgroup Server Reviews

You can perform a newsgroup search in the input box below. The results are updated automatically as you type. If you use a period (.) in your query, the word to the left of the period is searched for exactly, without the period any newsgroups that have a word starting with the prefix you have entered will be returned.

For example

'alt.bin.pic' will only search for newsgroups with the words 'alt' and 'bin' in their names, which also contain words starting with 'pic'
'alt bin pic' will search for newsgroups containing words starting with 'alt', 'bin' and 'pic'
'alt.bin pic' would be the best usenet newsgroup search, it will search for newsgroups that contain words which start with 'bin' and 'pic' in the 'alt' hierarchy.
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